ZeNEUROID Terms of Use

1. Identification data

This website (the “Site”) is operated by ZeNEUROID SL (ZeNeuroid), a Spanish company registered under number 2017 in the Barcelona Companies Registry, with corporate address at C/ Laureá Miró 408-410, 08980 Sant Feliu de Llobregat, Barcelona (Spain), holder of Tax ID Number B-56647399 and with contact e-mail address info@zeneuroid.com

2. General

Access to and use of this Site is subject to the conditions detailed below and to the legislation in force.

By accessing and exploring the Site’s content, the user accepts, without limitation, these Terms of Use and acknowledges that any other agreement with ZeNeuroid concerning the use of the Site is superseded and with no force or effect.

Unless it contravenes applicable law, ZeNeuroid reserves the right, at any time and without prior notice, to alter and update the information contained in its Site, in addition to changing its configuration, presentation and the Terms of Use. The users are automatically bound by the Terms of Use in force at the time they access the Site and must, therefore, read the Terms of Use from time to time.

Users accept that they are responsible for the way they use the Site, its services, and content. Additionally, users will be liable before ZeNeuroid and/or third parties for any damages caused as a result of the infringement of these Terms of Use and the applicable law.

3. Site availability and accessibility

ZeNeuroid will not be liable before users for damages arising from the use of the current Site, nor for any action carried out based on the information provided in it.

ZeNeuroid shall not be liable for any security breaches or disconnections that may occur, nor for any damage caused to the user’s device (hardware and software) or any files and documents stored in it, as a result of the user’s device has a virus. Additionally, ZeNeuroid shall not be liable for any browser malfunction or the use of any outdated versions of the browser.

4. Responsibility for links and hyperlinks

To help the user find further information or services of interest, the Site may include direct links to other websites. These websites have not been reviewed by ZeNeuroid and are maintained by third parties over which ZeNeuroid has no control.

Access to such websites by the user does not imply that ZeNeuroid recommends or approves the content of these websites. ZeNeuroid expressly denies any responsibility for any links, its contents or the accuracy of the information they contain, the quality of the products or services they may offer or advertise, or the result obtained through them. Likewise, ZeNeuroid expressly denies any responsibility for any damages suffered by the user under the information found on these websites.

5. Site content

The Site content is exclusively for informational purposes so that they prove insufficient for decision-making. Users must take into account that the Site’s content related to services and activities offered by ZeNeuroid may not be updated.

The Site may contain information regarding medical and healthcare matters. The information at this moment provided is not in any way intended to substitute medical or healthcare professional advice. The user must not use the Site’s content to diagnose an illness or health problem; otherwise it shall consult this with its doctor.

6. Spam

ZeNeuroid does not condone the practice of “spamming.” This term means the massive and repeated dispatch of unsolicited e-mails, usually for commercial purposes, to persons with whom the sender has not maintained any previous contact, or who have expressed their desire not to receive such messages.

If ZeNeuroid considers that certain information may be of interest to the user, it reserves the right to provide this information to it by e-mail, with its prior consent, while offering the opportunity to unsubscribe from this service.

7. Intellectual and industrial property rights

All contents of the Site are protected by applicable regulations on intellectual and industrial property rights, including but not limited to graphic designs, source codes, logos, trademarks and other distinctive signs, texts, graphics, drawings, photographs and any other elements that appear on the Site.

The user hereby recognizes that the reproduction, distribution, commercialization, transformation, public communication and, in general, any other form of exploitation, by any means or procedures, of all or part of the contents of the Site will constitute a breach of the intellectual and/or industrial property rights of ZeNeuroid or their titleholder.

ZeNeuroid does not grant any license on intellectual and/or industrial property rights in the Site contents, except for the printings and temporary storages for user’s private purposes.

8. Applicable legislation and jurisdiction

These Terms of Use will be governed by and interpreted following Spanish law.

Any disagreement, claim or dispute regarding interpretation, execution and/or resolution of these Terms of Use will be submitted to the courts and tribunals of the city of Barcelona.